Venerable Euphrosyne

Commemorated on September 25

Euphrosyne was the daughter of Paphnutius, a wealthy and distinguished man of Alexandria. Her childless parents had besought God with prayer for the birth of a child, and they were given her. Her devout parents raised their daughter in the Christian faith. Not wanting to enter into marriage, the young Euphrosyne hid from her father, changed into men’s clothing, and presented herself to the abbot of a monastery as a eunuch of Emperor Theodosius, giving the name Smaragdus.

The abbot received her and turned her over to the spiritual father Agapitus for guidance. By her fasting and prayerful asceticism, Smaragdus quickly surpassed all the monks in that monastery. When she had completed thirty-eight years of strict asceticism, her father Paphnutis visited that monastery, and the abbot directed him to Smaragdus for prayer and counsel. 

Smaragdus recognized Paphnutius, but Paphnutius did not recognize Smaragdus. When the father confessed his grief for his lost daughter, Smaragdus told him not to lose hope, for he would see his daughter again in this life, and besought him to come again within three days. When Paphnutius came again, Smaragdus was on her deathbed. The dying one said to Paphnutius: “I am Euphrosyne,your daughter; you are my father!” 

For a long time, the father was unable to come to himself due to his severe shock. Then, the Blessed Euphrosyne breathed her last, and her father wept over her. After burying her, Paphnutius himself entered the monastery, and settled in the cell of his holy, reposed daughter. After ten years of asceticism, Paphnutius also entered into rest in the Lord.

Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion β€” Tone 1

As an ascetic you hid your womanhood / and your falling-asleep was an amazement, O Euphrosyne. / Though a woman, you toiled as a man, / and by your prayers you save those who honor you!

Kontakion β€” Tone 2

Desiring the life on high and forsaking all earthly pleasures, / you lived as a man among men, O Euphrosyne. / For the sake of Christ your Bridegroom, / you spurned earthly betrothal!