Saint Victor and Stephanie of Damascus

160 AD

An early saint living in the 2nd century, Victor was a brave solider serving under King Antinous.  

Although Antinous was known to have great compassion and nobility, he still was a pagan who set a decree to persecute Christians. Victor did not pay mind to this law, and he still traveled from city to city and preached the Gospel to many.

The emperor ordered that all his men offer sacrifices to the pagan idols. It was a test to see which of his soldiers were truly faithful to the idols. Victor would not follow his fellow comrades, and he professed his Christian faith.

He was then subjected to several torments, but none had any effect on his body. His fingers were cut off, and then he was placed in a burning fire. He stood there for three days and was not left with a mark. A magician was hired to create a toxic poison for Victor to eat, and when it did not kill him, the magician knowing what he had made repented and became Christian.

During the time of his torments, Victor would still administer to the nearby soldiers, and through his great devotion to Christ he was able to cure blindness other soldiers.

Again the officials administered merciless and cruel tortures more painful than the last to Victor. They boiled him in hot oil, and forced him to drink a mixture of ash and vinegar. They hung him from a tree and then skinned him while he was still alive. Before the executioners killed him he warned that they too would perish as God had foretold them of their upcoming death in twelve days. He also told them that their army would surrender to the enemy. They disregarded his words, and after cutting out his eyes, they then ended his life with a beheading.  What Victor prophesied came true.

When one of the soldier’s Christian wife saw what Victor had done, she praised God proudly and gave thanks to Victor for being brave and suffering all the brutal and unnatural torments for the glory of God. She was then taken to be questioned. At this time, she too defended Christ’s name and stood by him as her family had raised her a strong Christian. She was then taken for torture. After several torments, her hands were tied to two separate palm trees. They were then stretched back causing her body to contort. After the soldiers let go, the trees quickly snapped back into place and her body was torn. From this harsh punishment, she reposed and gave her life for Christ.

We honor both Victor and Stephanie for their bravery and undying love for Jesus Christ. They knew and lived the faith rather than putting their flesh before soul, the gave up their flesh for the glory of God.