Saint Theophanes, Bishop of Nicea

Commemorated on October 11

845 AD

Growing up both Saint Theophanes and his older brother, Saint Theodore the Graptos, were given quality education. They were also taught philosophy, which open their minds to higher thinking. This led to their desire to learn more of God and follow his teachings. This led them to a monastery where Theophanes was tonsured as a monk.

These brothers lived during a hard period for the church. Iconoclasm was present and the emperors mainting this heresy were ruthless. Both Theophanes and his brother defended the holy icons, and were teaching others the importance of venerating the icons. Together they went to Constantinople, on order from the Patriarch of Jerusalem, where they declared both Emperor Leo, and separately, Emperor Balbos and Theophilus as heretics and wrong.

These claims led them to dire torments. Starvation, prison, and torture all came upon them from the wrath of the emperors. Finally Emperor Theophilus outraged decided to have a crude phrase branded with a hot iron into their foreheads. This is why they are often titled as the “branded”. The brothers stood by their faith saying that the emperor will one day have to read the writing of his own judgement in the age to come.

At this time, Theodore was imprisoned once more, where he gave his soul to the Lord. Saint Theophanes was exiled. God had mercy on him as the Iconoclast rule ended, and the generation of icons was once again permitted. Theophanes was then appointed Bishop of Nicea. During the last period of his life he wrote many beautiful hymns. Many of them focused on the impatient of icons. He died with peace after a very determined life of honoring the Lord.

Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion — Tone 5

Having attained an angelic state, / you sounded forth as a golden trumpet of revelation / and nourished the chosen people with your words. / The singing of your hymns gladdens the Church, / for which you struggled, O Theophanes.

Kontakion — Tone 4

(Podoben: “Today You have shown forth…”)
You dawned on the Church like a second sun, venerable Theophanes, / enlightening her with the beams of your teachings / as a priest of Christ our God.