Saint Andronicus & Athanasia of Egypt

Commemorated on October 9

The icon above is unique as it features both James the son of Alphaeus as well as the Andronicus and Athanasia whom we all honor

Saint Andronicus and Athanasia are a special story as they are a married couple. The rich joy of being a saint beside your beloved spouse!

During their time in Antioch, this blessed couple would divide their income into three portions. One for the church, another for the needy and the last for themselves. This was a desire that grew in their hearts deeper and eventually they would give all that they had to the poor and those who were sickly.

After two children were born to them, they agreed to live as brother and sister. However, according to God’s unfathomable providence, both of their children died on the same day. The Saints were filled with great sorrow. Then the holy martyr Julian appeared to Athanasia at the children’s grave, and comforted her with the tidings that both of her children were in the Kingdom of God, and were better off there than with their parents on the Earth.

After this transformation, they felt a calling to go to Alexandria where they each entered into separate monasteries.

After twelve years of living as monastics, each had a calling to go on pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Athanasia had dressed in men’s style clothing and was unable to be recognized as a woman. Finding each other along the way, they decided to journey together. After their journey to Jerusalem, they then returned to the monastic life and lived together in one cell. There they did not speak and lived a devout and virtuous life Andronicus did not yet discover that his cell mate was actually his wife. Athanasia maintained her secret for the rest of her time on Earth. Andronicus would have never known if she had not left a note for him to read after she died revealing herself. Very soon after, Saint Andronicus died also roughly sometime near 500 AD.

This story fills our hearts with hope and wonder at the brilliant ways of our Lord.

Troparion and Kontakion

Troparion Plagal of the First Tone

Ye adorned your divinely-wrought robe of chastity with the sublime varied colors of sacred virtues in God, when with one accord ye strove in the ascetic life. Wherefore, your silence on the earth was received equally with the thrice-holy hymn in heaven; O wise Andronicus, pray God, with Athanasia, that we all be saved.

Kontakion Plagal of the Fourth Tone

Let us, the faithful, crown with laurels of befitting hymns the wise Andronicus, who lived in blameless righteousness, with the godly Athanasia, his spouse in Christ God; who have shown the type of lawful wedlock to the world and became divine examples of monastic life. Let us cry to them: Rejoice, O yoke-mates in holiness.