Saint Anastasia of Rome

Commemorated on October 29

When Anastasia was born into a wealthy family, but at only three years of age both of her parents died. The Gerontissa of a monastery took her, as a small child, and raised her.

Anastasia grew up saturated in the faith and she was obedient to both Christ and her Gerontissa. During her time at the monastery, she struggled and fought greatly against many demons. She was triumphant and became stronger in the faith.

Although spiritually matured, she was still young and very beautiful. She was known as a Christian ascetic among other Christians, but to the pagans, she was viewed as an exotic beauty. At this time, roughly 250 AD, emperor Decius came to power and set strict laws against Christianity and all who practiced were to be tortured and put to death.

Each city had an official of the emperor come an inspect as well as detain any Christians. In the city where Anastasia resided, the administrator was named Probus, and he had orders from the emperor to bring Anastasia to him as it was known of her history. He had gotten reports that she was spreading the word of Christ to many and converting them from the idols.

When her Gerontissa Sofia heard that they were coming for Anastasia, she went to soldiers and asked them to delay for some time. She then took Anastasia to the altar of their church and with tears spoke to her. “From the time I met you, and you became a nun, I spoke to you for Christ and how you can give your life for him. Now is your time, so give your life to him with peace. With him today I offer you.”

 Anastasia answer to her blessed Gerontissa Sofia, “Please my spiritual mother, pray for me to remain steadfast in the faith and remain bold for Christ.” and asked for her blessing. She let her go saying that it was an honor to suffer for Christ.

At this time the soldiers came, and cuffed her with steel. They then brought her before Probus.

When the official Probus saw Anastasia, he was taken aback by her beauty and attempted to persuade her against Christ. He said to her “Why deprive yourself in youth of pleasure? You will gain nothing from death and torture. Worship the idols and you will be given a handsome husband to marry and all glory and honor will be yours.”

She responded firmly, “My glory and honor is with Christ, for he is my spouse, my riches and my life. You will never change me of this. I want to die and give my life for him. Do not lose your time to try and change me. I will never give honor to the false gods.”

Probus was outraged and offended. She was sentenced to merciless torments. He told his soldiers to hit her in the face. Then she was stripped of her clothes, and stood before the people. Probus said if he did not do what she told him he would cut her skin slice by slice.

She said, “Whatever you do I will never lose my love for Christ. You can destroy my flesh, but God will restore it in the next life.”

Probus was amazed that such a young girl had no fear to face death.

He ordered his men to put on the ground four wooden stickes. They stretched her body and held it from the wood. Underneath her, they put fire. Her whole body began to burn. From up she was whipped. She endured bravely, and remained in ceaseless prayer. She felt renewed as the Holy Spirit took her pain.

When Probus saw that she was not going to change, they place her on a big wheel and as it rolled all of her bones were broken and her form was displaced. She continued to pray with power. She said “Oh my God, you are my salvation, power and hope. Please save me and give me the strength to die for you.”

At this time she was released from their wheel, and her body was restored entirely new.

When Probus witnessed this, he could not believe the miracle that occurred. After he ordered her to be hung from a wooden pole, and she her flesh was torn with steel nails.

Probus could not understand the grace God had upon her, and the devil whispered to him to cut off her chest, as this was the most painful for a woman.

She remained strong. He was still enraged and tore out all of her teeth as well as her nails.

Anastasia remained in prayer and told to Probus and his men that the god he worshipped was fake and had no authority. Probus then ordered to take out her tongue. She asked to say one more prayer before they removed it. She asked God to help her remain firm and to die for him. At the same time, a voice came from the heavens and told her that she would have what she had asked for.

She turned to Probus and said, “Do with me as you wish.”

After cutting off her tongue, her whole body bled out and in pain she asked for water. One Christian man, Kyrillos,  gave to her a cup with a little water.

As the people of the city knew Anastasia and cared for her, they were repulsed by the extreme and gruesome tortures. The emperor, to quiet the citizens, then ended the trials with a beheading. Anastasia willingly gave her soul unto the Lord. When Probus learned that Kyrillos had given her water he ordered him to be beheaded also.

Her body was left beyond the city border, expected to be devoured by wild animals. But through the Grace of God, a holy angel came to Gerontissa Sofia and told her “Your daughter has given her soul to the Lord.”  The angel guided her to the place Anastasia’s body had been left. When Sofia went before the body she was too frail to pick it up, so the angel carried it for her.

She, alongside two other Christians, properly buried her remains.

Anastasia was given three crowns. One for her purity, another due to her great ascetic struggle and the third for her undying love of Christ which led her to be a martyr.

Glory be unto God for this great saint!

Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion — Tone 4

Your lamb Anastasia, calls out to You, O Jesus, in a loud voice: / “I love You, my Bridegroom, and in seeking You I endure suffering. / In baptism I was crucified so that I might reign in You, / and I died so that I might live with You. / Accept me as a pure sacrifice, / for I have offered myself in love.” / Through her prayers save our souls, since You are merciful.

Kontakion — Tone 3

(Podoben: “Today the Virgin…”)
Cleansed by the waters of virginity, and the blood of martyrdom, Anastasia, / you grant healing of every illness to those in need, / and salvation to those who come with love; / for Christ, the ever-flowing fountain of grace, has given you power.