Holy Apostle James Brother of our Lord

Commemorated on October 23

63 AD

Saint James was not related to Christ by blood, but due to his father being Joseph whom was bethrothed to our blessed Theotokos, he is given title “brother of our Lord.”

Prior to being an apostle of Christ, James from an early age was a Nazarene. A Nazarene is very similar to a monk. Nazarenes dedicate their lives to serving God. They abstain from meats, wine, they remain virgins and they do not cut their hair or beards.

When one becomes a Nazarene, they vow to live a life of purity and holiness, honoring the Lord.

When Christ reached the time when he began preaching, James believed in his words When Christ came to him, he joyfully became his apostle.

After serving by Christ throughout his missions on Earth, he was then appointed first Bishop of Jerusalem after Pentecost.

Throughout his 30 years as Bishop, he spread the word of God to many, and way able to convert a large population of Jews. He also wrote a Divine Liturgy honoring the beauty and life of our Lord. He authored a book now found in the bible, the Epistle of James. It included the proper way for Christian live and the base being faith and love. He advised to see all as children of God, and to respect one another. He also said that any good quality we have is of God and give all glory to Him. He warned not to be greedy, as it separates the love we should have for each other. He signed his name as James: the slave our Lord Jesus Christ.

 When he dealt with matters in the council, his word was well respected and the ground for many choices. In Acts we learn that it was James who settled the debate between Peter and Paul on circumcision. (Acts 15:13) As they were determining if it was important for Gentiles to be circumcised. James said “It is my judgment, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God.” And concluded they do not need to be circumcised, but rather refrain from eating food sacrificed to the idols, sexual immortality and eating meats that had blood.

Also in Acts 21:18, it is written that Paul went to visit James and they rejoice for many Jews were zealous to the new law of Christ.

He was fair and humble, and many trusted in him. His knees were hard like a camel, as he did many prostrations and was always in a state of prayer to our Lord. When he made the liturgy each day, he would go down on his knees and cry out to the Lord, praying for the salvation of all people.

The scribes and Pharisees had seen the works of James and envied him. They conspired a way to bring him to ruins. Leading him to the top of a high temple, they questioned him “What is your opinion of Jesus Christ.” They were hopeful he would betray Christ and they could use this against him. But James spoke strongly and defended the Lord and Savior.

Enraged, they threw James from the top of the temple. He did not die on impact, and as he laid there attempting to get up, he prayed for the souls of his enemies and asked God to have mercy on them. They then came down and stoned him. It is said his skull was broken with a club, after which he gave his soul to the Lord in roughly 63 AD.

The Divine Liturgy he composed was later used as a mold for The Holy Saint Basil the Great and Saint John Chrysostom.

His relics are spread across many churches. Most of his relics are in Greece, but they can also be found in Moscow and Cyprus.

We also commemorate Saint James on December 26.

Glory be unto God for this brave and glorious soul who gave all his life for Christ!

Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion — Tone 4

As the Lord’s disciple you received the Gospel, O righteous James; / as a martyr you have unfailing courage; / as God’s brother, you have boldness; / as a hierarch, you have the power to intercede. / Pray to Christ God that our souls may be saved.

Kontakion — Tone 4

When God the Word, the Only-begotten of the Father, / came to live among us in these last days, / He declared you, venerable James, to be the first shepherd and teacher of Jerusalem / and a faithful steward of the spiritual Mysteries. / Therefore, we all honor you, O Apostle.