Commemoration of the Founding of the Church of the Resurrection (Holy Sepulchre) at Jerusalem

Commemorated on September 13

When the holy Empresss Helena found the Cross of our Lord in Jerusalem, she stayed awhile in the Holy City, and built churches in Gethsemane and Bethelem, an on the Mount of Olives, as well as other places prominent in the life and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.

On Golgotha, where she found the Honorable Cross, she began the building of an enormous church. The church was designed to encompass the Place of the Skull, where the Lord was crucified, as well as the place where He was buried. The saintly empress wanted to include the place of His suffering and the place of His glory under the same roof. However, Helena reposed in the lord before this majestic church was completed.

By the time it was completed Saint Constantine was celebrating the thirtieth year of his reign. Thus the consecration of the church and the emperor’s jubilee were celebrated on the same day, September 13, 335. A local council of bishops was being held in Tyre at that time. These bishops, and many others, came to Jerusalem for the solemn consecration of the Church of the Resurrection of the Lord. It was then established that this day – as day of victory and triumph for the Church of Christ – be solemnly commemorated every year. 

Troparion & Kontakion

Troparion — Tone 4

You have revealed the beauty of the holy dwelling place of Your glory on earth / to be like the splendor of the heavenly firmament, O Lord. / Through the prayers of the Theotokos, / strengthen it for ever and ever / and accept our supplication / which we ceaselessly offer to You therein, / the life and resurrection of all.

Kontakion — Tone 4

(Podoben: “Today You have shown forth…”)
The Church has been revealed to be a heaven filled with light / which enlightens all the faithful. / Standing within it we cry: “Establish this house, O Lord.”